Microsoft's Alan Page knows a lot about large-scale test automation, and shares some of his secrets on how to make it beautiful Scott Barber explains why performance testing needs to be a collaborative process, rather than simply an exercise in measuring speed Karen Johnson describes how her professional experience intersected her personal life while testing medical software Rex Black reveals how satisfying stakeholders for 25 years is a beautiful thing Mathematician John D. Cook applies a classic definition of beauty, based on complexity and unity, to testing random number generators
All author royalties will be donated to the Nothing But Nets campaign to save lives by preventing malaria, a disease that kills millions of children in Africa each year.
This book includes contributions from:
Adam Goucher Linda Wilkinson Rex Black Martin Schr der Clint Talbert Scott Barber Kamran Khan Emily Chen Brian Nitz Remko Tron on Alan Page Neal Norwitz Michelle Levesque Jeffrey Yasskin John D. Cook Murali Nandigama Karen N. Johnson Chris McMahon Jennitta Andrea Lisa Crispin Matt Heusser Andreas Zeller David Schuler Tomasz Kojm Adam Christian Tim Riley Isaac Clerencia