When bedtime rolls around, kids rarely respond with a big "YEAH " All
parents have been through the struggle of getting their kids to bed, along
with the stress, anxiety, and yes, resistance. You'd think that going to bed
should be the most relaxing moment of the day, but for most, it's not.
Mike & Victoria Downs have created a bedtime yoga/chakra practice that reaches well beyond washing your face and brushing your teeth. Getting ready for bed now includes a quiet time to breathe, stretch, and relax, with Bedtime Yoga.
Worldwide, the benefits of yoga have been known for thousands of years. Learning yoga at a young age will establish life-long habits for generations as followers dedicate their time and energy to a personal routine of yoga poses and breathing exercises. The benefits include:
Reduced Stress through Breathing Exercises Improved Concentration Higher Self-Esteem and Health Awareness Positive Influence on Core Symptoms of ADHD