The book aims to help the reader to become more aware of our astonishing skills of Systems Intelligence. It focuses on everyday systems like families, workplaces and communities. These systems are created through our thoughts, actions and connections with others. They are systems that shape our lives, but also offer the possibility of us changing them from within. We are always part of systems. We can act intelligently from within those systems.
Systems Intelligence extends the concepts of Emotional and Social Intelligence. Systems Intelligence is the innate yet learnable capacity through which we engage with the diverse systems in our lives.
The book presents the Eight Dimensions of Systems Intelligence. It looks at how we can better see and understand systems through developing our systems perception. It pushes the reader to not just see systems around them, but to realize that we can often feel systems at work via attunement. It explores how reflection reveals how systems shape our thought processes and how we can develop the way we think. It reveals the systemic effects of positive engagement with others. It shows how an attitude of spirited discovery helps improve existing systems or create new ways of doing things. It stresses the skills and preparedness required for effective responsiveness within systems. It promotes wise action that allows us to work holistically with systems, to adopt a long-term perspective when needed, and to manage destructive emotions. It underscores the importance of a positive attitude to consistently act in systems intelligent ways.
The reader can evaluate her strengths in Systems Intelligence by taking the SI-test at:
The concept of Systems Intelligence was introduced in 2004 by Professors Raimo P. H m l inen and Esa Saarinen of Aalto University in Helsinki.
Additional material on the concept of Systems Intelligence can be found at:
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