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As long as there have been books, there have been women writers, but until the last few centuries, their voices were marginalized, discounted, and even silenced. Finally, this is changing. In celebration of Women's History Month, here are 21 time-honored classics by women who broke new ground and earned their spot in literary history.
June 19 marks the day in 1865 when Union Troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, the last stop on their tour to liberate enslaved persons in the US—a day of hope. But the history, both before and after this day, has been fraught. Here we present a reading list for a range of ages shedding light on this complex subject.
The New York Times Book Review turned 125 years old. To celebrate their momentous anniversary and their dedicated readership, they asked their readers to nominate the best books of the past 125 years. They took thousands of nominations down to 25 finalists, then that finalist down to one winner.