This book sheds a whole new light on our position in Christ! So glad I got this book and I encourage you to read it too! So good! :)
This Christian classic stands in the spiritual tradition of works by e.g. Madame Guyon, Gerhard Tersteegen, William Law, Andrew Murray, Bishop Moule, Oswald Chambers, Jessie Penn-Lewis, T. Austin-Sparks or F.J. Huegel. It was the French priest, Lacordaire, who said that the Church was "born crucified". By this he meant that all the members of the Divine Head, the members of the Body of Christ, died IN and WITH the last Adam,...
4 Years ago I picked up this book due to a recommendation. I read it again 1 year ago, and am again reading it. It's the finest writing on living in NEWNESS OF LIFE (i.e. SANCTIFICATION). Knowing that we "died with Christ" at baptism and were simultaneously "born again," the author constantly reminds us, as Paul did, to put to death our weapons of unrighteousness. Easy to read, easy to understand, yet still difficult to...
L.E. Maxwell's book was first issued as "Born Crucified," and as such, he pointed out the important principles of Christian faith and life. In this book, it appears that he's expanded on it, or a little additional information has been added. This is a phenomenal read, and I believe to be required reading for the Christian who means business with God. There's such a goldmine of truth in this little book, and chapters devoted...