Recognized as one of China's most accomplished and innovative artists, Li Hongwei fi rst became well known for his early series "Weight of Meditation." His recent work combining porcelain and stainless steel has given him increased widespread attention and praise. Li Hongwei's works have been exhibited in the National Art Museum of China, the Louvre, the New Mexico Museum of Art, the Fox Art Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Dublin Castle in Ireland, and elsewhere. In 2013, he received the Taylor Prize from the 2013 France International Salon.
Essays in this volume include a foreword by Li Hongwei entitled "Materiality and Thing: A Comment on Li Hongwei's Ceramic Sculptures"; a piece by Wayne Higby entitled "Self-Portrait: The Art of Li Hongwei"; an essay by Mary Drach McInnes entitled "Summoning Eternal Life"; an essay by Micha l Amy entitled "Li Hongwei: Tradition and Change"; and an essay by Andrew L. Maske entitled "Inner Refl ection, Outer Transformation: The Art of Li Hongwei