I've used various editions of this text over a six-year period and found them excellent--a nice blend of theory and (literary) experience. To borrow from Kant, "Theory without experience is empty; experience without theory is blind." Some of the reviews below illustrate why ethics (and philosophy generally) so desperately needs to be studied. Muddleheadedness is (frequently) a curable disease. Pojman is part of the cure,...
I felt compelled to write this review after seeing certain things in other reviews which attack the character of this man, rather than the quality of the passages contained in the text. I hope that this review will educate individuals about the text, as well as the passages contained in the text. Firstly i take issue with this personal attack on Pojman. Yes, I disagree with 99% percent of what this man believes on issues...
This is the best book available on the interrelationship between ethics and literature. Seeing the moral dimension of the works of Hawhorne, Hugo, Huxley, LeGuin and scores of others highlights the importance of morality in our lives and awakens the imagination to possibilities hitherto ignored. This is a wonderful book which every intlligent person should read.
I use this book as a text book for my introduction to ethics course at a local community college. This book is not only great for a text but also very interesting to read. Some of the selections are difficult to understand and are difficult reading but over all it is a great book for those wishing to gain a broad base of knowledge on a variety of moral theories and issues.