From sinister goblins to the utterly terrifying Wendigo, Beyond The Fray: Paramalgamation has over two hundred pages of encounter stories that will send shivers down your spine.
First you might be asking, what is paramalgamation? Simply, it is the melding together of inexplicable paranormal experiences, which can and should by all rights be wholly separate.
In this second book by renowned paranormal researcher, Shannon LeGro and bestselling author, G. Michael Hopf; comes a collection of unexplained, nearly impossible to classify encounters with the strange, terrifying, and life-changing. Run-ins with goblins, creatures, and human-looking copies that don't fit into a neat little box like Bigfoot or ghosts.
This is a collection of some of the strangest and scariest stories ever told by the people who experienced them. Sit back, relax and we suggest you keep a light on.