Big Media, Big Money is a lively and scathing critique of the contemporary communications industry. With three new chapters on the film industry, the music industry, and "ad creep," the second edition takes a critical look at the ways that mass media and corporations shape our...
Big Media, Big Money is a lively and scathing critique of the contemporary communications industry. With three new chapters on the film industry, the music industry, and "ad creep," the second edition takes a critical look at the ways that mass media and corporations shape our...
Bettig and Hall present a lively and scathing critique of the contemporary communications industry. They explore recent news events and challenges posed by the Internet and the effects of copyright control, as well as growing corporate influence in the newsroom and the classroom...
Presenting the results of new research on the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow-among the most sophisticated centers of learning and artistic culture in 7th- and 8th-century Europe, and the home of Bede-and their churches, this study examines the long-lasting effect of their...