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Medical Medical Books Science Science & Math Science & Scientists Science & TechnologySuch an incredible book. Padel writes a novel like a poem, and captures the essence of the tiger and why it is so important that we save it from destruction in the wild. A must read for everyone.
Here Ruth Padel has created a unique work of conservationist literature, describing her non-scientific quest to see the world's few remaining wild tigers in their natural habitats. In the process we get an illuminating travelogue of less-trammeled regions in several exotic countries and their peoples' contradictory attitudes towards tigers and nature. Of special interest are the bizarre treatment of animals in Laos, where...
Padel's book is certainly interesting and informative but, if you're concerned about the future of Asia's wildlife (not only tigers), you come away with the melancholy, somewhat depressing impression that population growth and habitat destruction do not bode well for the wild creatures of our largest continent. I agree with another reviewer that the story would certainly be better without the inclusion of details from the...
If you are interested and concerned about the survival of tigers in the this book! Ms. Padel takes the reader on a journey to all areas of the world which tigers are known to inhabit. She meets with researchers and scientists in various reserves to gain current information. The fight against poachers, political corruption and the loss of tiger habitat versus the plight of poor villagers is addressed. However,...
Reading this book will immerse you in jungles, have you checking your legs for leeches, and teach you more about tigers in the modern world than any other I know. Ruth Padel, the great-great-grandaughter of Charles Darwin, spent five years travelling to the last places on earth where tigers live, to learn about them, their conservation, and the people who are involved in their lives and deaths. But this not a dry scientific...