The ultimate field guide to birds of Madagascar, the Seychelles, Comoros, and Mascarene Islands.
The Malagasy region contains one of the most extraordinary concentrations of biodiversity in the world, and a diverse avifauna rich with exciting endemic taxa; birds such as vangas, mesites, and asities live nowhere else. This guide covers the whole of the Malagasy region, which comprises both Madagascar and the various islands and archipelagos of the Indian Ocean including the Seychelles, Comoros, and Mascarenes - Mauritius, R union, and Rodrigues - all of which host their own endemics and large seabird colonies. Every species in the region is covered in full detail, with a color distibution map for resident and migrant birds. All species are illustrated on a spectacular series of 124 colour plates by leading bird artists John Gale and Brian Small, with concise species text opposite the plates. The species are arranged to keep the key species of the various archipelagos together in sections. This major work of is a stunning combination of scholarship and beauty. Authoritative yet pocket-friendly, it's an essential addition to the backpack of any visiting naturalist or birder, anywhere in the region.