"Birds of North America" is a truly excellent guide. It may not be the most comprehensive, but it certainly is the most useful. It's probably the all-around greatest birding field guide out there. The illustrations are very well done, and the size of the book is easily manageable. This book is detailed enough to accomodate all but the most demanding and professional birders, but user-friendly enough to not overwhelm...
There are bigger and more expensive bird guides but none pack as much information into such a portable, easy to use, inexpensive book as this. I've used it as a casual birder for several years. Among my favorite features are the taxonomic indicators (blue squares and circles indicating Order, Family and Sub Family or Genus), little bits of natural history (that some advanced guides assume you already know) and comparison...
Tired of flipping from index to photo or illustration to description of one bird? This field guide gives you everything on pages facing one another. They also have a sonogram for bird calls and the best and most easily identifiable art work of any field guide I've ever seen.
How they can sell this book at such a low price is beyond me. Lots of quality here. Look at the cover with the buntings: it's not just some recycled art from the interior, but a specially painted picture just for the cover. This is part of the value that the authors offer you.More importantly, the illustrations really capture what the birds look like in real life -- to my mind better than other paintings in guides and a...
The Golden Guide to Field Indentifcation of Birds of North America is a handy, not to mention effective, guide to the birds. Accidentals, rarities, stragglers, and casuals are all covered, along with the common birds. This guide includes full color illustrations of birds were and how they are most often spotted, whether gliding over the ocean or perching in dense underbrush, as well as winter, summer, eclipse, immature,...