There is hope, but sometimes the Goliaths of life will block your view from the path of seeing and attaining the hope that is surely there. Yes, it is there, but what is blocking your view from seeing it and grasping it? Amura is a young girl who is intelligent beyond her years, but the giants that reside in her home and even outside her home are so massive that even her genius is put to the test. Is it the opinions, letdowns, or frailties of people that can block you from getting to where you should be in life? As Amura grows up, this is part of her issue. Will she get beyond, through, or over these giants, or will she allow them to cloud the hope that has always been there?
In life, there are so many things that can be a hindrance to progressing to a place of peace and destiny. Countless things are ingrained in society. Many of these things you can get away from and rarely see or deal with again. One challenge that we can never get clear of is people. As the saying goes, "Can't live with them and can't live without them." Well, we have to live with them because as long as we are living, we will have to deal with people. This work helps us see how Amura navigates through people to get to her destiny.
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