The fate of Dracwood hangs in the balance as the hunt for the last dragon eggs unfolds...
Violet's dream of a life filled with adventure was granted. With friends by her side, she sails into the unknown, desperate to find the mythical creatures long thought extinct. But when the powers she's meant to inherit fail her, will she have the resilience to continue?
After finding the one he was tasked with discovering, Ryon is determined to return home and save his brother, no matter what obstacles lay ahead. Yet when unexpected revelations surface, even the strongest magic he possesses may falter.
Nox lost his best friend and gained an enemy. He vows to keep his foe close, uncertain if he'll live to regret it. Then fate takes an unexpected turn, and Nox is left reeling. Can he adapt, or will the changes drive him mad?
What's worse, they're on the run and the threat of capture lurks at every turn. Can they save the eggs, or will the dragons vanish into oblivion?
Don't miss the pulse pounding sequel to Bloodfeather Lullaby. This epic tale is filled with dangerous magic, animal companions, slow-burn romance, and fast-paced fantasy adventure.