This book is the second installment of my body positivity coloring book. The last book was dedicated to anyone who identified as a female. This time, it is dedicated to everyone. It was my mission this book to add not only women but men, because they deserve body positivity as well. I made sure to add different bodies and representation to show, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. No matter your shape, size or color. Society has formed what the "perfect body" is, and I am here to tell you its bull. Write down the "norm" on a piece of paper, crumple it us, look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I am beautiful, I am gorgeous and I am sexy." Then pull out your new coloring book, turn on some music (or whatever helps you focus) and color away!
I hope I do justice by everyone of all shapes and sizes; this is my stepping stone in helping women, and those who identify as women, find their self love. I am a boudoir photographer and these designs have been inspired by physical images I have taken!
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