See below for English description.
Ce bonhomme de neige s me le bonheur et r chauffe les coeurs. Il suffit d'entonner le refrain de la c l bre chansonFrosty the snowman pour recr r l'atmosph re festive du joyeux temps des f tes. Flocon le bonhomme a toujours lecoeur content avec son foulard, son nez en bouton et ses yeux faits de charbon.Frosty the Snowman is a seasonally joyful story that continues to warm our hearts year after year. Famous for his cheerful character, whimsical appeal, and, of course, his button nose and two eyes made out of coal, Frosty is the most magical snowman in town.Join him as he runs here and there, all around the square, saying "catch me if you can."
Original title: Frosty the Snowman