This is a fun book and the stories are enjoyable. it is also a good introduction to theis person's MAGICK. Ultimately, I think its specific imports are meeting the author and perhaps helping one develop their own personal oracle methods.
Not exactly! Mr. Duquette outlines, with his usual humorous, no-nonsense approach, just how divination works, and how we can make it work for ourselves. There are loads of ideas here, for those that like to be crafty, how to make your own divination devices, as well as how to read the oracular messages in the world around us.
Like all of Mr. DuQuette's books, this one gives important information on a serious subject without being solemn. His writing style is light and humorous and is a refreshing change from the boring, high minded writings on occultism that you usually see. If you are interested in a quick and dirty guide to divination, both in theory and practice, this is it. In fact, it can even ideas for making your own system. I particularly...
Lon Milo DuQuette's Book of Ordinary Oracles is no ordinary book on oracles! It is engaging, humorous, and a spellbinding book -- one that cuts through the routine and often superficial information frequently given in books published on this subject. Lon DuQuette gets to the heart of what divination by an oracle is and why it works. He then offers the reader his many unique ways of consulting the oracles, and, after consulting...
The Book of Ordinary Oracles presents masterful, original, and truly clever divination experiments which perfectly represent the true intent of oracles and so-called "fortune-telling" practices. As a practitioner and author myself in the divinatory arts, I recommend this enjoyable small book for its playful and astute delivery of large ideas. Once again, author Lon DuQuette applies his rare gift of humor and invention to a...