We are constantly connected to technology, and have so many varied ways to spend our leisure time that we should all surely never know what boredom feels like. Yet, boredom appears to be on the rise; it seems that the more we have to stimulate us, the more stimulation we crave. In a quest to relieve our boredom, we engage in dangerous risk-taking
You will learn
Argues that boredom shouldn't be ignored or dismissed as a passing phase.Examines various types of boredom as well as gender and cultural differences.Explores boredom in the contexts of anxiety and depression and in non-school situations.Provides theory on causes of boredom in students.People who use their time unplugged from society as a means to recharge and reenergize themselves to be better stewards of the human race. Learn about the mindsets of Ironman athletes and veteran poets.
The Lonesome Thread is for those who have a curiosity to learn more about themselves. It is for anyone with a pile of unfinished projects or incomplete goals and a desire.
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