This book has been most helpful to me in my spiritual journey with Christ, and I would highly recommend it to any serious Christian or one seeking to understand more about a life with Christ.
I have this book as one of my classic books in my library. I would recommend it to everyone who wants to get beyond many of the shallow books that are written today.
This Christian classic stands in the spiritual tradition of works by e.g. Madame Guyon, Gerhard Tersteegen, William Law, Andrew Murray, Oswald Chambers, Jessie Penn-Lewis or F.J. Huegel. It was the French priest, Lacordaire, who said that the Church was "born crucified". By this he meant that all the members of the Divine Head, the members of the Body of Christ, died IN and WITH the last Adam, when He laid down His life on...
In this book Maxwell focuses on one of the most incredible aspects of the Christian walk--our life in Christ. Maxwell illustrates well our new life as found through our partnership in Christ's death and resurrection. The truth in this book is refreshing to any believer who wants to better understand how to walk and live in new freedom.
This book is rare indeed, for it offers the same challenge our Lord did: "If anyone would be my disciple he will deny himself, take up his cross DAILY and follow Me". I recommend this book only to those who have truly passed through the narrow gate and seek Life.