1. Protocol for Extraction and Isolation of Brassinosteroids from Plant Tissues
Danuse Tarkowsk? and Miroslav Strnad
2. Synthetic Protocol for AFCS: A Biologically Active Fluorescent Castasterone Analog Conjugated to an Alexa Fluor 647 Dye
Johan M. Winne, Niloufer G. Irani, Jos Van den Begin, and Annemieke Madder
3. Physiological Analysis of Brassinosteroid Responses and Sensitivity in Rice
Hongning Tong and Chengcai Chu
4. Light Regulation of Brassinosteroid Signaling Components: Checking Regulation of Protein Stability in Darkness
Claudia Corval?n and Sunghwa Choe
5. Approaches to Study Light Effects on Brassinosteroid Sensitivity
Sandi Paulisic, Maria Jos? Molina-Contreras, Irma Roig-Villanova, and Jaime F. Mart?nez-Garc?a
6. A Technical Framework for Studying the Signaling Nexus of Brassinosteroids and Immunity
Rosa Lozano-Dur?n and Youssef Belkhadir
7. Identification of Brassinosteroid Target Genes by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Followed by High-Throughput Sequencing (ChIP-seq) and RNA-Sequencing
Trevor Nolan, Sanzhen Liu, Hongqing Guo, Lei Li, Patrick Schnable, and Yanhai Yin
8. Quantitation of Cell Type-Specific Responses to Brassinosteroid by Deep Sequencing of Polysome-Associated Polyadenylated RNA
Kristina Vragovic, Elizabeth Bartom, and Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein
9. Methods for Modeling Brassinosteroid-Mediated Signaling in Plant Development
David Frigola, Ana I. Ca?o-Delgado, and Marta Iba?es
10. Quantitative Microscopic Analysis of Plasma Membrane Receptor Dynamics in Living Plant Cells
Yu Luo and Eugenia Russinova
11. Analysis of In Vitro DNA Interactions of Brassinosteroid-Controlled Transcription Factors Using Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay
Simon J. Unterholzner, Wilfried Rozhon, and Brigitte Poppenberger
12. Identification of Brassinosteroid Signaling Complexes by Coimmunoprecipitation and Mass Spectrometry
Walter van Dongen, Luc van Heerde, Sjef Boeren, and Sacco C. de Vries
13. Simplified Enrichment of Plasma Membrane Proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings Using Differential Centrifugation and Brij-58 Treatment
Carina A. Collins, Michelle E. Leslie, Scott C. Peck, and Antje Heese
14. Probing Activation and Deactivation of the BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 Receptor Kinase by Immunoprecipitation
Sara Martins, Gr?gory Vert, and Yvon Jaillais
15. The Primary Root of Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench) as a Model System to Study Brassinosteroid Signaling in Crops