BRER MACK's title is inspired by the story of Brer Rabbit's Briar Patch, a place of struggle and reward.
Peter Mack is the novelist pen name of Isiko Cooks, prolific author of over twenty-five genre bursting, highly reviewed novels and prescient memoirs, including FILTHY: Innocence Lost, winner of a 2015 PEN America Center book prize.
BRER MACK details the spiritual lessons and secrets of personal discipline utilized to achieve success as a writer and businessman while incarcerated. The author offers a view into the influences, motivations, work ethic and spiritual beliefs that have guided and sustained him through stints in solitary confinement, loss, love, betrayal and prison politics.
Isiko Cooks bares all with honesty and the insight evident in all of his memoirs and Peter Mack novels. He details personal strategies to achieve the reward of personal struggle for anyone in any endeavor.
Isiko Cooks is President of Peter Mack Presents, LLC, parent company of Signature Peter Mack Apparel and The BRU CAPO Company.
Learn more about this versatile and dynamic author at