My in-laws raised my husband on this book, and he is quite a wonderful person. We intend to raise our children this way, too. The book IS outdated, and I don't agree with 100% of it. For example, research done since the book was written has shown that quick, consistent, loving response to a baby's cries builds trust and communication between the baby and its parents. So I would disregard the advice to leave a baby to cry...
This is the best book I have ever, ever read. I went to a seminar given by a local published psychologist and he told us it was the best book on child discipline he had ever read. That is why I got it. In one week my life has been changed by this book. I have learned techniques to motivate my children and avoid power struggles which had been a part of my daily life for the last five years. My only regret is that I did...
This book was presented to me back in the 70's. Today I pass it on to two of my daughters, age 33 and age 35, who are using this new addition to help them with their children. This helped us through the 70's and my children still talk about the methods we used in those days that were recommended by Dr. Alfred Dreikurs. I think this book is oustanding and actually phenonmenal. Most of all it is SIMPLE. I recommend...
I've gone through so many parenting books and magazines - and this book is reaaly the first helpful book I've come across. I found results in my home in days - more cooperative children, a lot less fighting, and a calmer, happier mother. The author demonstrates clearly how to maintain disciipline and order while also respecting children and their free agency. When I first found the book I called my mother, "I finally...