N1 is Sun's architecture for the next generation data center. It simplifies datacenter operations by helping to reduce the complexity associated with runningIT infrastructures. Sun's N1 products and services enable organizations to treatthe data center as a single, unified system for cost-effective management, greater utilization, and faster responsiveness. The focus of the book is how tosolve strategic problems, namely "What problem does the customer have, andhow can N1 solve it?" The book starts by articulating the problems that areprevalent in the IT world today. After a brief overview of the N1 Vision, itprobes deeper into the nature of an N1 system in terms of its properties andthe value it delivers, and in terms of the goals for N1. It then covers the N1Architecture, explaining what it means to build a system. Also covers N1Products and what N1 means to Sun's product portfolio and that of othervendors.