The question always arises for teachers: How do I influence students' learning-what's going to generate that light bulb Aha-moment of understanding? The bundle of Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom, Grades K-5 and Visible Learning for Literacy, Grades K-12 helps you answer that question by sharing structures, insights, and tools that have high-impact on learning. These practices are "visible" for teachers and students to see, because their purpose has been made clear, they are implemented at the right moment in a student's learning, and their effect is tangible. Yes, the "aha" moments made visible by design.
The authors show you how to use the right approach at the right time, so that you can more intentionally design classroom experiences that hit the surface, deep, and transfer phases of learning. With their expert lessons, video clips, and online resources including word sorts, concept mapping, close reading, annotating, discussion, formative assessment, feedback, collaborative learning, reciprocal teaching, and many more.
This bundle informs you about using the most effective practices--and knowing WHEN those practices are best leveraged to maximize student learning.