Embark on a gripping interstellar journey with "Call of the Cosmos" by the talented debut author, Charlotte Adams. In a universe teetering on the brink of cosmic annihilation, follow the resilient and visionary Captain Zara as she battles the malevolent Terran Empire and confronts ancient powers that threaten the existence of the mysterious planet Eurydice. Adams' skillful storytelling weaves a tale of intricate world-building, cosmic warfare, and the complexities of a heroine grappling with the weight of leadership. With an enticing blend of science fiction, ancient mysteries, and the clash against a formidable galactic empire, "Call of the Cosmos" promises an immersive adventure that will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment. Get ready to be transported beyond the stars and discover a universe where destiny unfolds in the hands of a remarkable female protagonist, amidst the cosmic struggles against the evil forces of the Terran Empire.