You are Called to be Victorious.
I have had the privilege of having a front row seat watching Robert go through many tests and trials I have watched him face incurable cancer with a "but God" faith. I have heard him with my own ears proclaim the Glories and goodness of God in some of life's hardest moments I have watched him run this race with eternities victory in mind Yes, my friend has a tenacity that just won't quit, because he has a Faith in his God that has been big enough to sustain him. Read his words and let your faith be encouraged as we with him look to the hills, from which our help comes: help comes from the Lord Pastor Tracy Ventus Pastor of The New Mission Missionary Baptist Church Cincinnati, Ohio
Christians Start from the Position of Victory
Believers do not have to struggle for victory or try to earn victory. God has given the victory in Jesus Christ. In the greatest display of victory, God, the Father resurrects God the Son from the dead. This victory assures every believer's future victory over death. The song writer Bill Gaither wrote: "Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives." My friend if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, God the Father has already scripted you and your life for victory. This book is dedicated to assisting believers to tap into that place of peace, power and victory. Author Pastor Robert Harper