"Captain Blood" by Rafael Sabatini is a swashbuckling adventure novel set in the 17th century, which follows the exploits of Dr. Peter Blood, a former Irish physician turned pirate. The novel opens with Blood living a quiet life in Bridgewater, England, until he is unjustly convicted...
Peter Blood is a physician and an English gentleman who becomes a pirate out of a rankling sense of injustice. Barely escaping the gallows after his arrest for treating wounded rebels who were fighting the oppressive King James, Blood flees England and becomes enslaved on a Barbados...
Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini is an action-packed swashbuckling adventure novel set in the 17th century Caribbean. Follow the story of Doctor Peter Blood, a physician who is wrongfully convicted and sold into slavery. After escaping, Blood takes to the high seas and leads...
First published in 1922, "Captain Blood" is an entertaining tale of pirates by Rafael Sabatini, the Italian-English author of adventure and romance novels. "Captain Blood" tells the story of Dr. Peter Blood, an Irish physician who had traded his past life as a sailor and a...
Rafael Sabatini's classic globe-trotting and swashbuckling adventure. Set in colonial times, "Captain Blood" tells of the adventures of Dr. Peter Blood, a skilled physician who is convicted of treason for treating a wounded rebel. Sentenced to transportation and slavery in Jamaica,...
"Captain Blood" by Rafael Sabatini is a swashbuckling adventure novel set in the 17th century, which follows the exploits of Dr. Peter Blood, a former Irish physician turned pirate. The novel opens with Blood living a quiet life in Bridgewater, England, until he is unjustly convicted...
"Captain Blood" written in days gone by, sophisticated in a way modern "novels" lack. Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini is a classic fiction novel first published in the United Kingdom in 1922. High quality fiction, a classic that lives in an era of timeless distinction. Early...
This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
During the tumultuous reign of James II, Englishman Peter Blood, a gentleman-physician barely escapes the gallows after his arrest for treating a wounded rebel. Sentenced to ten years of slavery on a Barbados plantation, Blood escapes from captivity and boldly embarks on a career...
A man wrongly punished for treason escapes from slavery in the West Indies to become a savvy pirate, yet he longs for the plantation owner's niece.
Captain Blood is one of the great pirate stories. First published in 1922, Rafael Sabatini
Captain Blood: His Odyssey is an adventure novel by Rafael Sabatini. Peter Blood, an Irish physician and soldier in England in the 1680's, is wrongly convicted of treason and sentenced to indentured slavery in the Caribbean. He escapes and becomes the most feared...
Peter Blood, bachelor of medicine and several other things besides, smoked a pipe and tended the geraniums boxed on the sill of his window above Water Lane in the town of Bridgewater. Sternly disapproving eyes considered him from a window opposite, but went disregarded. Mr. Blood's...
A normal day in the garden is on the agenda, but fate has different plans for Dr. Blood. A respected physician, Blood, is quickly arrested, sentenced for treason, and shipped to the Caribbean. Dr. Blood is now a slave. However, a political battle allows Blood to change his fortunes...