The struggles we face affect us body, mind, and spirit; the solutions must holistically address all parts of us as well. Captive Thought Therapy is a mind-body inner healing protocol developed by Leah Lesesne, MA. It combines elements of TFT & EFT tapping, declarations, and inner healing prayer to help you take your thoughts captive and find greater breakthroughs in emotional and spiritual health. By focusing on specific thoughts and emotions, we displace lies that have kept us stuck in faulty patterns that fall short of the abundance of health God desires for us (1 Thessalonians 5:23). We submit each thought and emotion to the authority of Jesus and allow his truth to reign over our minds, souls, spirits, and bodies.
This workbook for personal use includes 20 individual emotion exercises as well as exercises for forgiveness and getting your head and heart to agree on truth.
Emotions Included:
Use of this workbook does not train or certify you in Captive Thought Therapy. These exercises are designed for personal use and may not be used in work with another person.