Social trends over the past 25 years strongly indicate the significance of occupational pursuits in the plans and lives of women. In the future, most women will work outside the home and this work will play an increasingly important role in their lives. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (1989) estimates that by the year 2000, the labor force is expected to grow 18% -- an increase of 21 million workers. It is also estimated that women and minorities will account for a large percentage of that growth. A significant question that needs to be asked is how will counselors help women prepare for making career choices in the future? The models, strategies, methods and information on career counseling described and elaborated in this volume may help to show the way.
Devoted to presenting important advances and new information in the field of career counseling for women, this book focuses primarily on identifying, reporting, and evaluating significant applied developments in the field -- counseling theories, concepts, and techniques utilized in career planning and decision making for women. It is an ideal collection for counselors, counseling and industrial psychologists, management scientists focusing on career counseling, and sociologists specializing in women and work.Related Subjects
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