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Real patients, real cases teach you high-risk obstetrics
This is an excellent handbook on high risk obstetrics. The ideal audience is medical students or residents in the field who like real life scenarios to accentuate their learning. It is best suited for those in a time crunch, and residents and students certainly qualify. 3 Stars.--Doody's Review Service
Case Files: High-Risk Obstetrics uses fifty clinical cases to illustrate evidence-based practice in high-risk obstetrics patients. Each case includes open-ended questions, extended discussion, Practice Pearls, a "Controversy" discussion, comprehension questions, and references to the most current literature with a brief critique of each article. This unique learning system teaches you to be a better clinician by learning in the context of real patients and reinforcing the latest evidence-based medicine.
Clear and easy-to-follow case-based format helps residents and fellows develop clinical thinking skillsBased on current journal articles and landmark studies, with an accompanying brief critiquePractical Pearls give evidence-based recommendations for patient managementControversy feature discusses current controversies and different views related to each caseMultiple-choice comprehension questions accompany each caseOriginal line drawings and clinical imagesProven learning system improves exam scores