JAMES BOND PLAYS A DEADLY GAME OF CHANCE IN IAN FLEMING'S LEGENDARY FIRST 007 NOVEL "Le Chiffre" is a ruthless operative and the accountant for a soviet SMERSH cell in France, but he's on the verge of disaster after gambling away his client's money...
In the novel that introduced James Bond to the world, Ian Fleming's agent 007 is dispatched to a French casino in Royale-les-Eaux. His mission? Bankrupt a ruthless Russian agent who's been on a bad luck streak at the baccarat table. One of SMERSH's most deadly operatives, the...
Ian Fleming's literary debut of British Secret Service agent 007 isstylishly adapted to the sequential art medium by Van Jensen and Denis Calero inthe official James Bond: Casino Royal graphic novel. Sent to a French casino inRoyale-les-Eaux, Bond aims to eliminate the threat...
In the first of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels, 007 declares war on Le Chiffre, French communist and paymaster of the Soviet murder organization SMERSH. The battle begins with a fifty-million-franc game of baccarat, gains momentum during Bond's fiery love affair with a sensuous...
At the casino in Deauville Bond's game is baccarat, for stakes that run into millions of francs. But away from the discreet salons, it's 007 versus one of Russia's most powerful and ruthless agents.
The debut title in Dynamite Entertainment's graphic novel adaptations of the original Ian Fleming James Bond 007 novels, set in the period of the original work. Casino Royale has never been adapted to the comic book medium prior to the Dynamite edition. Corinne...
JAMES BOND PLAYS A DEADLY GAME OF CHANCE IN IAN FLEMING'S LEGENDARY FIRST 007 NOVEL "Le Chiffre" is a ruthless operative and the accountant for a soviet SMERSH cell in France, but he's on the verge of disaster after gambling away his client's money. Taking the last of...
Casino Royale is the first novel by the British author Ian Fleming. Published in 1953, it is the first James Bond book, and it paved the way for a further eleven novels and two short story collections by Fleming, followed by numerous continuation Bond...