Do not be deterred by the negative reviews of Catholic fundamentalists, who basically will not approve of anything unless it has a Nihil Obstat. This exhaustive study of Catholicism presents the Church in all of its facets, and presents the viewpoints of theologians across the "conservative" and "liberal" spectrum. So, if you're looking for a book that will simply repeat what the Magisterium of the Church says, this is not...
I purchased this originally for research and really found it a treasure trove of facts. It was objective historically, even with information that the Catholic Church may have been less than thrilled to have out there. This book is a must have for anyone who wants to know more about the faith, not just Roman Catholics, but Protestants and Jews as well. The Cranky Old Lady in Phila
Fr. McBrien takes a lot of flak from conservatives. I guess they don't want people to read his book. Ironically, it was precisely their loud complaining that initially brought this book to my attention. It's funny how things work that way. If you are a very conservative Catholic, you should probably skip this one. When McBrien discusses the teaching against contraception, for example, he doesn't only provide the arguments...
If you're expecting merely another cathecism of this book--as often people are--you'll be disapppointed. If, however, you want a sound, accurate, and scholarly survey not just of Catholicism iteself, but of the environment in which it grew, and continues to exist, this is a great book. McBrien, a priest, and professor of theology at Notre Dame, objectively examines many, many spiritual and theological forces at work within...
McBrien has done a magnificent job in presenting the Catholic version of Christian theology. His book clearly illustrates the sincerity of the Church's scholars in reconciling faith and reason, and readers will be overwhelmed at how tightly Catholic theology is wound. The astounding aspect of this masterpiece is that it brings together the fundamental richness and diversity of Catholic thinking while showing the utmost...