Cayendo Hacia Arriba es la historia real de un hombre que viaj? por el mundo en bicicleta en b?squeda del secreto de la vida. Si bien el autor descubri? innumerables maravillas durante su viaje, regresa a su hogar desalentado para descubrir reci?n all? el secreto en el ?ltimo lugar que le quedaba por buscar.
English: Falling Uphill is the true story about a man who bicycles around the world questing for the secret of life. His journey is full of many wonders, but he eventually returns home discouraged. Only then does he discover the secret in the last place left to look.
More about this book: Now the best-selling, award-winning book Falling Uphill, has been re-imagined and illustrated by elementary students in Argentina with all new pages and illustrations. This book is part of an author-in-residence project and is my proudest accomplishment -- a community project involving about thousands of people, bringing the real-world of inspiration into the classroom, and creating a book that we believe will inspire generations.
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