Pedro y su familia vacacionan en la playa todos los veranos, pero este a o sus padres deciden ir a la monta a para tener nuevas experiencias. A Pedro y su hermano Marco no les gusta esta idea y hacen todo lo que est a su alcance para sabotear el viaje. Sin embargo, no tuvieron xito y sus vacaciones se convirtieron en una incre ble aventura en la que descubrieron que solo el poder de la imaginaci n y el pensamiento creativo pod an salvarnos de una invasi n espacial. Una historia que enfatiza la importancia de la imaginatio, la creatividad y el ingenio para fortalecernos como individuos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Pedro and his family vacation at the beach every summer, but this year his parents decide to go to the mountains to have new experiences. Pedro and his brother Marco don't like this idea and do everything in their power to sabotage the trip. However, they were unsuccessful, and their vacation became an incredible adventure in which they discovered that only the power of imagination and creative thinking could save us from a space invasion. A story that emphasizes the importance of imaginatio, creativity and ingenuity to strengthen us as individuals.