The Complete CFO Reference is the perfect up-to-datereference tool for today's busy CFO, controller, treasurer, andother finance professionals. Written in an easy format and packedwith checklists, samples, and worked-out solutions for a widevariety of accounting and finance problems, readers can take thishandy reference wherever they go-on a business trip, visiting aclient, conducting a conference call, or attending a meeting.
Covers all major developments in finance and accounting everyCFO needs to know about including IFRS, Web-based planning, andranging from financial reporting and internal control to financialdecision making for shareholder value maximizationIncludes tables, forms, checklists, questionnaires, practicaltips, and sample reportsIncorporates Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) throughoutthe book, as well as coverage of International Financial ReportingStandards (IFRS) and its impact on financial reporting, XBRLreporting, risk management and disaster recovery, Web-basedplanning and budgeting, Web 2.0, cloud computing, and environmentalcostingSimplifying day-to-day work in dozens of critical areas, TheComplete CFO Reference is the perfect up-to-date reference toolfor today's busy chief financial officer (CFO), controller, treasurer, financial director, budgeting director, and otherfinancial professionals in public practice and privateindustry.