Chakra (from Sanskrit "circle") is one of the centers of the human body through which vital energy passes. Chakras can be called a kind of spine along which energy flows move in circular movements. That is why chakras are often depicted as closed petals of a beautiful lotus. Each chakra has its color, symbol, sound and different tactics to heal. We pursue a variety of techniques to heal our chakras which include essential oils, specific food and diet, visualization, yoga poses, meditation, and many other ways.
There are seven main chakras and every chakra performs its function. Chakras enable our minds to become active and to visualize more clearly. It regulates our imagination, insight, intuition, clarity of our mind and how clear we are about our life goals and strategies.
Chakras are not organs in our body that we have to study like a doctor. It's the energy that circulates within our bodies. It allows the mental and physical energy to circulate and then we react as we perceive certain things within our mind. The more active our chakras will be, the more energetic we feel. And If one of your chakras are blocked or imbalanced, then you face problems in your life. This book will have everything that you need to know about chakras and chakra healing.
Our chakras have to be active, balance and clear, otherwise we won't be able to take own life decisions. Chakras help us to accomplish our future goals. Having said that once you follow different techniques to heal your chakras, you automatically feel the difference in your behavior, mind, insight, mind-power, clarity, perception, telepathy, concentration and imagination.