FORMER DEPUTY SHERIFF DARYL MAY writes with meticulous detail how two gunshots changed his life. On a muggy Florida night, he nearly left this world when fighting for his life in a watery ditch. This remarkable true tale is gripping and heart-thumping as you ride along with him on that dark and lonely road.
Chasing Shadows is also a mesmerizing bit of Florida history in its finest telling. Author Daryl May battled drug dealers, messed with the Mafia, told the FBI to shove it, monitored the Klan, witnessed racial discrimination, and found himself in the middle of 1960s civil unrest and riots. He guarded President Jack Kennedy four days before he was assassinated in Dallas. He wrote a hit song for a country music super star, performed on cruise ships, at an Australian mountain ski resort, and lounges and fashionable hotels from Florida to Myrtle Beach, SC. And according to news headlines, he had a one-nighter with Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the POTUS.
Chasing Shadows is a real life story with all the humor, suspense, and drama of a popular thriller. If Hiaasen or DeMille wrote a novel about May's life ... it might well read like Chasing Shadows.