Children of the Celt is a sweeping historical fiction novel that spans centuries, weaving a thrilling tale of civilization, faith, and the enduring quest for freedom. Told through the eyes of Kamin, a druid mystic, and his modern descendant, Edward, this epic journey takes readers from the ancient Gallic Wars to the birth of Christianity, through the American Revolution, and into the formation of the United Nations.
In rich, accurate detail, Kamin reveals the struggles of humankind and the forces-both mystical and political-that have shaped the modern world.
From the fall of Rome to the rise of great religions, Children of the Celt explores the fight for freedom against oppression throughout history. With a mix of rich historical detail and mystical elements, this novel offers a thought-provoking message: while humanity often falters, it also holds the power to overcome-with divine help.
Children of the Celt challenges readers to reflect on the parallels between ancient times and our modern world.
With its grand scope, rich historical context, and deeply moving narrative, Children of the Celt is a must-read for lovers of historical fiction, mythology, and philosophical storytelling.