Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Part I Gender
1. (S)wordswoman versus (S)wordsman: Maxine Hong Kingston and Frank Chin
2. Manhood Besieged: Gus Lee and David Wong Louie
3. Masculine Mystique: Xu Zhimo徐志摩, Younghill Kang, Pang-Mei Natasha Chang, and Anchee Min
4. Art, Spirituality, and Ren or the Ethic of Care: Shawn Wong, Li-young Lee, and Russell C. Leong
Part II Genre and Form5. In(ter)dependence in Chinese / American Life-Writing: Liang Qichao 梁启超, Hu Shi胡适, Shen Congwen沈从文, Maxine Hong Kingston, William Poy Lee, and Ruthanne Lum McCunn
6."Theorizing in Narrative Form": Bing Xin冰心
7. (Im)migrant Writing, Moving Homelands: Ha Jin 哈金
8. Slanted Allusions: Marilyn Chin and Russell C. Leong
Selected BibliographyIndex