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Cars, Trains & Things That Go Children's Children's Books Fiction Literature & FictionWe have checked this book out of the library several times, and I'm now buying it because my 21-month-old son loves it so much! He has it memorized, and even after we return it to the library he will say the phrases from the book during play time ("Rumble, Rumble into the tunnel . . ."). A must have!
My son (20 months) loves this. The pages are cut irregularly so they are easy for him to turn and have additional tactile interest. The text is very simple, encouraging sound effects and elaboration. The illustrations are bold and colorful, and you can never go wrong with choo-choo trains as a topic.
I first checked out from library when he was about 1 year old and he loved it then, just checked it out now when he's almost 2 and he still loves it, so figured I'd buy it--[...] bucks is cheep! He loves to peek through the openings of the train tunnel, and he especially loves it when I make rhythmic train sounds between reading each page. Others of his favorite books are "Peek-a-Who", "10 little ladybugs" and Sandra Boynton's...
My 2 year old LOVES this book, and I enjoy it too because it's so easy to read and the illustrations are colorful and fun.
This book is a must have for 1-2 year old choo choo lovers. My son absolutely loves this book and reads it 3 or 4 times before bed each day. At 20 months now he knows it by heart, and is especially interested in the noises the train makes as it makes it's journey (choo choo, off we go. clack clack, over the bridge, etc.). It is perfectly written to stimulate little minds. I cannot believe I am the first reviewer!