The Christian Counselor's Manual is a companion and sequel to Dr. Jay Adams' influential Competent to Counsel, which first laid out a vision of "nouthetic" counseling--a strictly biblical approach to behavioral counseling and therapy.
This practical guide takes the approach of nouthetic counseling introduced in the earlier volume and applies it to a wide range of issues, topics, and techniques in counseling, including:
Who is qualified to be a counselor?How can counselees change?How does the Holy Spirit work?What role does hope play in therapy?What is the function of language in a counseling session?How do we ask the right questions?What often lies behind depression?How do we deal with anger?What is schizophrenia?These and hundreds more questions are answered and explained from a biblical perspective in this comprehensive resource for the Christian counselor.
A full set of indexes, a detailed table of contents, and a full complement of diagrams and forms make this an outstanding reference book for and Christian counselor.
If you are interested in what the Bible says about how to solve life's problems: addiction, anger, depression, divorce, fear, and so on, this is the reference "Manual" to go to. From how to interview someone seeking counsel, to how to identify the root problem, to how to assign homework this Manual addresses the counseling process step by step. Other books and manuals may address certain counseling issues in more depth, but...
This venerable volume from Jay Adams, who for decades has been one of the undisputed leaders in the field of nouthetic counseling, is just as relevant today as it was when it was originally published in 1973. Now thirty five years later, biblical counselors all across the country, and indeed around the world, turn to Adams' wisdom and experience as encapsulated in this text. No true biblical counselor's library is complete...
It is an excellent addition to an Christian counseling library. It has unquie advise for a pastoral counseling that is a little difficult to locate. Each section is covered with gentleness and care for both the client and respect for the conselor. It covers prayer in a way that is foreright and frankly not covered by many textbooks. It is comprehensive in its scope covering the client, the attitudes of the counselor as well...
Back in the day when many Christians were practicing counseling with a Sunday School knowledge of Scripture and a Master's level knowledge of secular theory, Jay Adams burst on the scene exhorting believers to believe in the sufficiency of Scripture. Though not every Christian counselor would accede that Nouthetic counseling embraces the totality of Christian counseling, and not every writer would write with the same acerbic...
More than any other book, this book provides "how to" guidance with deep Scriptural insight for the Christian Counselor. Step by step The Christian Counselor's Manual provides sound Biblical instruction for counseling Christians including forms, helpful tables, do's and don'ts, and suggested "homework." The author also discusses specific counseling issues that are commonly encountered including, but not limited to, anger,...