Part I: Genesis and Impact of Chromothripsis
1. The Genomic Characteristics and Origin of Chromothripsis
Alessio Marcozzi, Franck Pellestor, and Wigard P. Kloosterman
2. Clinical Consequences of Chromothripsis and Other Catastrophic Cellular Events
Maki Fukami and Hiroki Kurahashi
3. Potential Role of Chromothripsis in the Genesis of Complex Chromosomal Rearrangements in Human Gametes and Preimplantation Embryo
Franck Pellestor and Vincent Gatinois
4. Chromothripsis and the Macroevolution Theory
Franck Pellestor
Part II: The Identification of Chromothripsis
5. Analysis of Chromothripsis by Combined FISH and Microarray Analysis
Ruth N. MacKinnon
6. Chromothripsis Detectable in Small Supernumerary Marker Chromosomes (sSMC) Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Thomas Liehr
7. Identification of Chromothripsis in Biopsy Using SNP-Based Microarray
Veronica Ortega, Christina Mendiola, and Gopalrao Velagaleti
8. Detection of Chromothripsis in Plants
Isabelle M. Henry, Luca Comai, and Ek Han Tan
9. RNA-Seq Analysis to Detect Abnormal Fusion Transcripts Linked to Chromothripsis
Anne-Laure Boug?, Florence Ruffl?, S?bastien Riquier, Benoit Guibert, J?r?me Audoux, and Th?r?se Commes
Part III: The Causal Mechanisms of Chromothripsis
10. Experimental Determination of Checkpoint Adaptation by Mitotic Shake-Off and Microscopy
Lucy H. Swift and Roy M. Golsteyn
11. A Role for Retrotransposons in Chromothripsis
Dustin C. Hancks
12. Generation of Micronuclei and Detection of Chromosome Pulverization
Monique N.H. Luijten, Jeannie X.T. Lee, Sixun Chen, and Karen C. Crasta
13. Detection of Impaired DNA Replication and Repair in Micronuclei as Indicators of Genomic Instability and Chromothripsis
Mariona Terradas, Marta Mart?n, and Anna Genesc?
14. Study of Telomere Dysfunction in TP53 Mutant LoVo Cell Lines as a Model for Genomic Instability
Oumar Samassekou, Nathalie Bastien, Ju Yan, Sabine Mai, and R?gen Drouin
15. Genes, Proteins, and Biological Pathways Preventing Chromothripsis
Martin Poot
16. Expression of Genes Associated with Telomere Homeostasis in TP53 Mutant LoVo Cell Lines as a Model for Genomic Instability
Oumar Samassekou, Nathalie Bastien, Ju Yan, Sabine Mai, and R?gen Drouin
Part IV: The Bioinformatic Tools for Chromothripsis Analysis
17. Chromothripsis Detection and Characterization Using the CTLPScanner Web Server
Jian Yang, Bo Liu, and Haoyang Cai
18. ChromothripsisDB: A Curated Database for the Documentation, Visualization, and Mining of Chromothripsis Data
Haoyang Cai
Part V: The Experimental Models
19. Time-Lapse Imaging for the Detection of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Primate Pre-Implantation Embryos
Brittany L. Daughtry and Shawn L. Chavez
20. Correlative Live Imaging and Immunofluorescence for Analysis of Chromosome Segregation in Mouse Preimplantation Embryos
Cayetana V?zquez-Diez and Greg F