1986. La ciudad bajo toque de queda. Los casetes suenan. Un chico busca a otro. Es el momento indicado?
Tom s Mena cuenta los minutos para entrar a la universidad e inaugurar una nueva etapa de su vida: la familia, el barrio y la dictadura, que oprime y ahoga, no dan para m s. No quiere seguir sinti ndose incompleto y tiene ansias de experimentarlo todo, de comerse el mundo que se abre ante sus ojos, de ser distinto. Al otro lado de la ciudad, Clemente Fabres espera terminar cuarto a o de Periodismo para tomar sus cosas y volver a Inglaterra, donde l cree que pertenece. Santiago de Chile le parece aburrido, asfixiante y gris. Lo nico que lo mantiene a salvo es escribir un fanzine de m sica, pel culas y libros, que distribuye gratuitamente y que lo llevar a encontrarse con Tom s en disquer as, cines y fiestas under. Mientras la atm sfera del pa s se vuelve sofocante, ellos luchan, con el rabioso mpetu de la juventud, por iluminar esos a os oscuros.
Caleidosc pica e irreverente, a la vez que tierna y emotiva, incluso pol tica, Ciertos chicos reafirma la maestr a de Alberto Fuguet para construir novelas generacionales. Una hermosa y peligrosa historia de amor que funciona como homenaje a la escena contracultural de los a os ochenta.
1986. The city under curfew. The cassettes are playing. One boy looks for another. Is the time right?
Tom s Mena is counting down the minutes to enter the university and inaugurate a new stage of his life: the family, the neighborhood and the dictatorship, which oppresses and suffocates, cannot take it anymore. He does not want to continue feeling incomplete and is eager to experience everything, to take on the world that opens up before his eyes, to be different. On the other side of town, Clemente Fabres hopes to finish his fourth year of journalism to take his things and return to England, where he believes he belongs.
Santiago de Chile seems boring, suffocating and gray to him. The only thing that keeps him safe is to write a fanzine of music, movies and books, which he distributes for free and that will take him to meet Tom s in record stores, cinemas and underground parties. As the atmosphere of the country becomes suffocating, they struggle, with the rabid impetus of youth, to illuminate those dark years.
Kaleidoscopic and irreverent, at the same time tender and emotional, even political, Ciertos chicos (Certain Boys) reaffirms Alberto Fuguet's mastery of constructing generational novels. A beautiful and dangerous love story that works as a tribute to the countercultural scene of the eighties.