Welcome to the mysterious colony of Barsoom where the colonists kept the romance of the Renaissance paired with advanced technology.
Nothing on the Colony of Barsoom is what it seems: robots drive old-fashioned carriages powered by exotic crystals. Airsleds resemble birds of prey...
Like the Renaissance, Barsoom is a world of intrigue and danger. Devon Morten and Tash Higgins, returning to the colony for the wedding of friends Randal and Judith find trouble waiting. When a teenage girl goes missing, the peaceful facade is shattered, and three couples are thrown into a dangerous web of criminal activity. Along with their friends Randal and Judith, and Judith's older sister Ava and the girl's father Carlos, they must navigate the treacherous underbelly of the colony to find the missing girl before it's too late.
If you enjoy books filled with an exciting blend of technology. Intrigue, mystery, danger, and a touch of romance, then you'll love City of Deception