"If you value living in a free and open society, read this excellent book and heed its warnings." -- Michael Kovrig
Claws of the Panda tells the story of Canada's failure to construct a workable policy towards the People's Republic of China. In particular, the book tells of Ottawa's failure to recognize and confront the efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate and influence Canadian institutions and to exert control over Canadians of Chinese heritage. It shows how Canadian leaders have constantly misjudged the reality of the relationship while the CCP and its agents have benefited from Canadian naivete.
The Expanded and Updated edition of Claws of the Panda arrives at a crucial point as Canada's delusions abouts its friendly relations with the CCP have fallen apart since the book's initial publication. This edition sets out to uncover Ottawa's relationship with Beijing in light of the CCP regime's increasingly suspicious and belligerent relations with the US and Europe. The age of a distinctly Canadian bilateral relationship with Beijing is over.