Demonstrates the dramatic results of blending the traditional with the transpersonal approach to psychoanalysis.
In this book, Seymour Boorstein builds upon his classical training as a psychiatrist to show the dramatic results of blending the traditional with the transpersonal approach to psychotherapy. By providing case studies from his own practice that cover the spectrum of traditional psychological categories, he demonstrates the vast possibilities and some of the pitfalls inherent in joining psychotherapy and spirituality and also gives the reader a glimpse into the psychiatrist's mental processes as he considers patients' dilemmas and seeks to help them find solutions. The specific techniques Boorstein describes serve as guideposts for other psychotherapists and clinicians, for laypeople interested in psychological healing, and for spiritual leaders and seekers. Boorstein's message to mental-health practitioners is clear: Transpersonal therapists should make use of the valuable traditional techniques that have proved useful, and traditional therapists should explore the enormous impact spiritual issues have on our lives.