Leamnson delivers on his title for this marvelous book. Having clearly done a great deal of serious thinking about teaching and learning, he has taken the next step and compared his ideas and experiences with "the experts". The result is a deeply insightful masterpiece.
Thinking About Teaching and Learning deserves a place on every professor's bookshelf. This author approaches college teaching from a basis that is usually ignored by other authors of resource books on college teaching, namely the basis of neuroscience and brain-based concepts about learning. Leamnson is particularly well qualified to produce such a book: his disciplinary training and research is as a biologist, and his experience...
Experience counts, and this is someone who has spent time in the classroom. I found it a concise, but not superficial, summary of one person's take on higher education teaching. This is not another person with a theory, but someone who integrates several approaches in an informed and practical manner. I'm thinking of sharing this book with some Instructional Technology professors. It is that good.