The #1 bestseller that has helped heal millions of readers, this modern classic holds the key to understanding codependency and unlocking its hold on your life. Melody Beattie's compassionate and insightful look into codependency--the concept of losing...
REVISED AND UPDATED * With a New Chapter on Trauma and Anxiety, a List of Resources, and More * 2023 Nautilus Book Award Winner * As Heard on Glennon Doyle's We Can Do Hard Things Podcast The cultural phenomenon that has helped heal millions of readers,...
In a crisis, it's easy to revert to old patterns. Caring for your well-being during the coronavirus pandemic includes maintaining healthy boundaries and saying no to unhealthy relationships. The healing touchstone of millions, this modern classic by one of America's...
Is someone else's problem your problem? If, like so many others, you've lost sight of your own life in the drama of tending to someone else's, you may be codependent--and you may find yourself in this book. The healing touchstone of millions, this modern classic by one of America's...
Pr?stele mucha atenci?n a este libro, porque usted podr?a ser de aquellos que necesitan consultarlo. Ser? posible que usted sea un codependiente? Se trata de un mal que se caracteriza por una preocupaci?n extrema, obsesiva, enfermiza, por otra persona o circunstancia. Es la adicci?n...
Millones de lectores han utilizado como referente sanador este cl sico moderno de autoayuda, que tiene la clave para comprender y superar la codependencia, de uno de los escritores m s queridos e inspiradores de los Estados Unidos. Es el problema de los dem s tu...
Como dejar de controlar a los demas y empezar a ocuparte de ti mismo, el best seller que atrajo la atencion de millones de lectores en todo el mundo. Melody Beattie nos sorprende con su libro que constituye una excelente una invitacion a penetrar por los caminos mas...
In a crisis, it's easy to revert to old patterns. Caring for your well-being during the coronavirus pandemic includes maintaining healthy boundaries and saying no to unhealthy relationships.