Do intrusive thoughts stifle your days?
Are you overwhelmed and paralysed by constant doubts?
Are anxiety and depression preventing you from living the life you want?
Anger, fear, sadness and shame are notoriously difficult emotions to manage, because nature has forged their purpose purely to protect us. Sometimes trauma can interfere with your ability to regulate your emotions, amplifying them and generating devastating effects for you and others.
It is very difficult to ignore these emotions. Sometimes they get in the way, impede your progress and make an intimate relationship or career advancement impossible. Although we can't control many of the things that happen to us, we can certainly control how we react to those things.
Promoted by the best psychologists and therapists around the world, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a brilliant and highly effective method, that will enable you to rewire your subconscious mind in order to drive away intrusive thoughts and anxieties of all kinds forever.
From this book you will learn:
How CBT works.How mental patterns are established and vicious circles are blocked.What emotional levers are, and how to react to them.To eliminate anxiety, depression and panic attacks.How to set goals and begin to use CBT.Basic and advanced techniques of CBT.How to challenge (and beat) negative and automatic thoughts.How to prevent relapses.CBT has incredible benefits, and perhaps the most encouraging aspect is that you do not need to spend anything on drugs and therapists, both of which can be an impediment to your progress.
You may constantly ask yourself these questions:
"Why would anyone be interested in me?""Am I even up to it?""But do you love me enough?""What if you abandon me?""Will I ever make it?""Why do I destroy everything I touch?""Why am I always misunderstood?""Am I crazy?"If, however, you do not face up to such questions, you will bring their negative influence with you, leading to the unwanted and repetitive situations that you have become all too familiar with.
What to do now:
Listen to those who understand this problem and have experienced the dynamics just listed.Get informed: read articles, watch videos and access people who have the skills to alleviate the destructive damage that intrusive, negative thoughts can create.Avoid confrontation with other people who don't identify with your situation and who can offer negative advice, making your self-esteem worse.