Have negative thoughts ever overwhelmed you and kept you from thinking clearly?
Are your emotional patterns pulling you by the strings, and sometimes, it feels like you don't even get a vote?
And after a big dose of bitterness, you gather all of your inner strength and promise yourself that next time you'll act differently...
...but then the emotion gets you again and you just end up where you started?
If you want to escape this vicious cycle, then you've come to the right place.
You see, making those struggles go away doesn't have to be difficult.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can challenge and change the thoughts that lead to those negative reactions. Also, at the same time, it will teach you coping strategies that make your life better and smoother.
CBT is a powerful and scientifically proven treatment built on a solid foundation of neurological and behavioral research. It can treat a wide range of psychological problems, especially anxiety disorders.
But the therapy can cost $200+ per session in private practice.
If you don't want to risk your money, you can now discover exactly what to expect from the therapy for the fragment of its price - in the safety of your own couch.
"Is CBT Good for You?" is also perfect for people, who're considering to see a therapist, but can't afford it, or are too nervous to take action right away.
Here's just a few snippets of what you'll discover:
How do your distorted thoughts always seem to find a way to sabotage every major aspect of your life - and what you can do to stop it?...and much, much more.
As you can see from the above list, you'll get a comprehensive introduction, which is written in layman's terms to help you decide if CBT is or isn't the solution you are looking for.
Don't spend your money on expensive therapy until you know what you're dealing with and what are your options.
This book doesn't promise to solve all your problems alone - no book exists that could do that - but it isn't just another book with a bunch of history lessons, boring facts, and non-useful information either. Inside you'll find advice that'll immediately reduce your struggles and prepare you for living a more fulfilled life.
So, if you want to shake off the chains of your negative thoughts and develop a healthy, positive outlook on life, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart".